Slobber Bone - Scene 2 - Ethan Chase & Jonathan Miranda

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Run time 12m
Directed by Romeo Davis and Sonny St Clair
Produced by Damon Dogg and Paul Morris
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Reward points: 1 point


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Scene 2 from SLOBBER BONE


I’ve made a lot of noise recently lamenting the end of the glorious and dangerous street hustler culture.  Gone are the days when you could walk down a dark street and connect with trashy boys who’d either blow you for a few bucks, let you fuck them for a few more, or rob you.  Exhilaration defined.


But when you see ETHAN CHASE, you’ll see a true street hustler.  I love the guy.  Pay him enough and he’ll fall in love with you.  So, we paid him enough to fall in love with lucky JONATHAN MIRANDA.


Before the shoot, the director said to Ethan “Kiss him like he’s the love of your life.  Here’s half your pay now.”  Knowing that, check out the kissing.  The lad earned his $$$!


Plus, Ethan has a fucking beautiful uncut schlong that’ll make your mouth water and your tongue hang out of your mouth.  It had that effect on me, that’s for sure.


Remember how street hustlers’ dicks and balls smelled?  Especially if they were uncut?  By the end of the shoot the entire room smelled that way.  This is how life should be.

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  • Oral/Sucking/Swallow
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