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Run time 15m
Produced by Paul Morris
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Reward points: 1 point


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GUSTAVO MARCO is a macho man complete with a Playboy tattoo on his hip and one hard uncut fat schlong. When the foreskin is pulled back, a nice mushroom-headed dick is revealed. That meat needs the likes of KEVIN QUINTERO to work it over until it squirts. Get the man some relief! Kevin sucks Gustavo who bends down to reveal Kevin’s apple bottom butt cheeks and sweet pink hole. With a lick and a fingerstick, Gustavo’s cock is soon penetrating that pussy, and with the expert way the top man enters, we can immediately tell this is not Gustavo’s first time using a man-cunt. Gustavo fucks Kevin for quite a while – he is not the wham bam thank you sir – he likes his cock in hole so much he takes his time and enjoys each thrust of his manhood in the warm wet tunnel. He fucks away in several positions - pulling out to show off his cock often - and edging himself in the hole building up a good-sized load of his special milk.

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