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Run time 21m
Directed by Max Sohl, Paul Morris, and Paul Stag
Produced by Max Sohl and Paul Morris
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Reward points: 1 point


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Dominique Kenique & Dmitry Osten

If you’re going to be a gay porn star in Russia these days, you’d better have balls the size of Red Square. And since DMITRI OSTEN is Russia's number one gay porn star we thought we’d show him real respect and let this Российский жеребец (“Russian stallion”) choose the fuckhole of his choice.

There was zero hesitation: DMITRI has always wanted to mount the fine furry ass of Spaniard DOMINIQUE KENIQUE. So we flew ‘em both out and got out of their way!

The result? Wild, passionate cocksucking, ass eating and aggro fucking. Russo-Spanish relations have never been this good!

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