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Run time 12m
Directed by Max Sohl
Produced by Paul Morris

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Price in points: 10 points
Reward points: 1 point


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Age 28, 5’11”, 150lbs, 9.5 Uncut

Dallas Long made a lasting impression in Latin Loads 2.  So much so that it prompted one TIM viewer to send in a 2 page letter asking to see more of him and his fat uncut meat.  If someone is inspired by one of our men and asks to see more of him I am more than happy to oblige.

Dallas showed up sporting a fresh new military buzz cut and the same sly grin that gets us instantly boned in his presence.  After reading his fan mail, he’s happy to meet the demands of the letter, showing off his boner and balls right up close to the camera, at different angles and positions. His breathing intensifies, as he gets closer to shooting a thick wad, and smiles that same smile after he blows his load — a mixture of pride and absolute relief.

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