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Run time 11m
Directed by Max Sohl
Produced by Paul Morris

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Price in points: 10 points
Reward points: 1 point


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Age 28, 5’9”, 180lbs, 8 cut

Saxon West is a native New Yorker with a cumshot that spans the length of the east river.  He came to rub one out for us after a long day at the gym, and while we like our men with a little sweat on them, I told him I’d let him take a shower…as long as I could film it.

After sudsing his sack and tossing his wet cock around, Saxon dries off and kicks back to get off.  He’s barely seated before he gets rock hard, dick sloppy with spit and throbbing with every stroke.  Slow and steady strokes start building, and before we could say “are you getting close?” he’d already unloaded all over himself and our camera.  If you’re ever around Saxon’s boner, be warned — his splash-zone stretches farther than you’d think.

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